What is Festa Italiana?
Festa Italiana is Hawaii’s only Italian Festival featuring a free street festival in Kaka’ako as well as a ticketed VIP Passaporto Italiano event at Velocity Honolulu.
What happens when CIAO meets ALOHA? Cialoha! Although Hawaii is halfway across the globe from Italy, bits and pieces of Italian food, culture and history have found their way to our island home. Festa Italiana Hawaii aims to celebrate the intersection between Hawaii and Italy by providing a variety of authentic Italian and Italian-inspired experiences and flavors offered by Hawaii and Italian businesses and restaurants that will transport you from the heart of the Pacific to the boot of Italy.
Food + Wine
Pizza, pasta, wine, cheese, bread, gelato - all the most delicious dining delights seem to hail from Italy. Festa Italiana Hawaii will offer the opportunity to taste the many amazing flavors of Italy in one extraordinary evening in Honolulu's vibrant Kaka'ako District. Mangiamo!
Music + Art
Michelangelo, da Vinci, Botticelli and the list goes on. Italy is as much accredited for its contribution to the arts as it is for its food. Festa Italiana Hawaii aims to bring to light this important aspect of Italian history and culture through showcasing the works of artists and musicians whose work is inspired by Italy.
Italy is home to world-renowned art and undeniably delicious food and wine, but one must not forget that Italians love their cars. Festa Italiana Hawaii aims to showcase a selection of exceptional Italian cars well-known Italian car makers and provided by Velocity Honolulu - the home of Italian cars in Hawaii.